The Cast Analytics Team Has Over 30 Years Experience Understanding And Solving Industrial Problems And Develop Technologies Using An Array Of Experimental And Computational Modeling Tools And Techniques
The Team Has Expertise Over A Wide Variety Of Industrial Manufacturing Processes.
Carl is a mechanical engineer who undertook a Ph.D studying the computational modelling and quantification of defects in metal castings. Prior to his involvement in Cast Analytics Carl worked at the Uni. of British Columbia where he was responsible for the day to day management of large, multi-year, industrial and government funded projects focused on using advanced computational tools to generate solutions for application in real world production environments.
He has co-authored over 30 scientific articles, taught courses on engineering design and managed and trained Ph.D and M.A.Sc students.
To complement his computational modelling knowledge he has expertise in the instrumentation of industrial equipment and design and commissioning of novel experimental apparatus.
Over the past 12 years Carl has worked on developing technology and fundamental understanding of manufacturing processes for the automotive, material processing, aerospace, biomedical, and renewable energy sectors. His work has focused on solving industrial problems using advanced computational tools, with a focus on validation and understanding using real world data.
Scientific Advisor
Steve is a tenured Professor in the Department of Materials Engineering at The Uni. of British Columbia.
Steve currently holds the TIMET Professorship in Advanced Titanium Processing and is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. His expertise lies in the study of the processes used to transform metals with particular emphasis on the casting processes and the liquid metal refining operations used in the production of advanced light metal alloy mill-products and components. His work often combines the development of sophisticated computer-based models with laboratory and industrial measurements. He has published in excess of 115 scholarly articles and has received in excess of $9.5M in government grants and $7.0M from industry as either the primary or co-investigator.
His work with Cast Analytics is focused on supporting the development of process optimization technologies.
Scientific Advisor
Daan is the head of department and tenured Professor in the Department of Materials Engineering at The Uni. of British Columbia.
His academic research aims to develop insight into the industrial processes used to transform metals; in particular, casting processes, to improve product quality and process productivity. This research often involves the development of mathematical models that capture the complex physical phenomena active in these processes and relies on laboratory experiments and\or plant trials to provide the data necessary for model development and validation. This research is industrially oriented and has led to collaborations with many of the world’s leading manufacturers.
In recent years he has lead investigations into the next generation of intelligent industrial manufacturing technologies, focusing on advanced process optimization algorithms and process control systems which dynamically alter the process parameters based on real time process data in order to improve product quality and reduce reject rates.
His work with Cast Analytics is focused on supporting the development of process optimization technologies.